Our 2023 sailing season has come to end. We are back on the Gold Coast where we have packed up The Bossa and hit the road to return home.
After sitting out the big blow (certainly the biggest for this season) in Pelican Bay, we crossed the nearby notorious Wide Bay Bar early one morning, bound for Mooloolaba and then Moreton Bay. The WBB lived up to its name with big swell and confused seas on this crossing (not a surprise really after the two days of 50+ knot winds), but along with fifteen or so other yachts we tolerated the conditions and survived. We did wait a few days for the seas to ease, but our ‘plan b’ meant waiting an additional four days. Time to go we decided.
We arrived at the northern end of The Broadwater after two days of great sailing which was a great way to finish up the sailing season. It wasn’t long before a storm appeared, which was no surprise really as they seem to be a common occurrence when we return to Moreton Bay this time of year. Check out these cloud formations.

It has been a wonderful 2023 season. Lots of highs with several outer reef visits, my happy place, particularly our two weeks, one with Anui (Kelso Reef was a standout) and the other with Vivacious and Chances when we reef hopped from Gloucester to Magnetic Island. Our week with our little Ava on board was a special one and celebrating a wedding proposal and a birthday also added to the excitement. We had a wonderful time with our friends Lynn and Greg on board for … wait for it … 16 days! Our time around Great Keppel Island heading south was a much needed chill-out time and as always, Monkey Beach is a favourite. Then, just when we thought it couldn’t get any better, our Lady Musgrave visit turned out to be the icing on the cake. And I finally got to Lady Elliot too!

We have also enjoyed some fun times cruising with our longtime cruising friends. Over the years we’ve met some wonderful people who have become great friends. Sharing our cruising journey with likeminded people reinforces the delight and appreciation we have visiting the places we visit and the adventures we have. There’s always something to talk about, catch up on and share. We feel very fortunate to be living this lifestyle and sharing it with these friends is such a privilge.
Here’s a few of my favourite snorkeling memories for the season …

This is a familiar sight when I’m snorkeling, the Captain reading under his red and white umbrella, when he’s supposedly on ‘lookout’?! This photo was taken at Lodestone Reef at a very low tide and a glass out, the reef at its crazy best! Check out the reflection, magic! It’s a only gentle breeze accessory though and at Lady Musgrave, it was nearly no more. The Captain forgot it was up when he hit the throttle and it catapulted out of its holder and in to the drink, sinking rather quickly. Fortunately I saved it. Not even time for a photo, only a laugh!

We were with Vivacious and Chances deep in Darley Reef and Kevin & Gary were kindly sharing their catch of squid so it was quite fortuitous when I spotted these three cruising around below the surface. I was lucky enough to get close enough for a clear shot. Kevin and Jo from Vivacious like the first photo so much it features on their new frame TV where it displays my photo.

The Xmas Tree Worms were prolific at Darley. So many colours and shallow enough for some closeup photos of these tiny creatures.

These photos were taken at Kelso Reef. As we approached Wade & Chris snorkeling we could see a whale and her calf nearby. What a sight! A special memory.

Our time at Kelso Reef with Anui was such a snorkeling highlight. There were undulating sandy gullies and a maze of coral outcrops to explore. Perfect conditions, great company and so much to see below. I’d just spent some time watching a big colony of Blackback Anemonefish in the shallows, when I came across these Spine-cheek Anemonefish. These are nowhere near as common and certainly a bit trickier to photograph as they are often much shier and dart around so quickly.

I’m always on the lookout for these tiny critters but gee, they are hard to find. This was only my second and last Nudi for the season, which I spotted in staghorn coral at Butterfish Bay, Great Keppel Island. There’s always next year.

It’s so exciting to find something new, something you haven’t seen before. This Sea Apple (it was actually a double one) really did look like a Christmas bauble. I had no idea what it was and after Googling so many different key words with no luck, a neighbouring boat suggested I use Google Lens. It accesses your photo and links up with an ID. Brilliant!

Colourful clams are always my ‘go to’. I find their deep rich colours and their intricate patterns mesmerising. These Tridacna clams are abundant in the Monkey Beach reef. Such a pop of vibrant colour amid the algae covered duller areas of the reef.

Lady Musgrave. Wow! Hot pink and purple in the reef. Brilliant. Such stunning examples of the Magnificent Sea Anemone. While the Pink Anemonefish were certainly at home, they were very shy. It was tricky to catch them on camera, but the Sea Anemones were the real star anyway.

These creatures are truly masters of camouflage so when I spotted this octopus at Lady Musgrave I was very excited. I did linger for some time watching and hoping this octopus would come right out of its hidey- hole. I’m sure the reverse was happening too as I did feel there was an eye on me. Did you know … octopuses can change colour in an instant by simply flexing their muscles … they have three hearts … after mating it’s pretty much game over for both sexes … and of course they are so smart!

And … of course, I have to mention the LM turtles! The water was certainly active this turtle season! I was very happy capturing the turtles swimming nearby with numerous clear shots but capturing the turtles mating in the shallows, that was a big bonus and such a treat. The nesting had just begun and with the high tides overnight (when they swim ashore), the nesting was trickier to find, but we did have fun (getting up at 4.45??!!) with our early morning walks of the island checking out the turtle tracks.
It has been fun sorting through hundreds of favourite photos, reliving these magic times under the water. It certainly has confirmed it has been a great season!
The cleaning and packing is finally all done. A fellow yachtie friend hit the mark … “it amazes me there’s so much work to do in such a small space” … yes there is!

We were very lucky with our packing up timing at Boatworks. Our son Tim was visiting from Melbourne, commissioning a 60ft Jeanneau yacht.
The Bossa is now secure in its new marina home. A first for us. Unfortunately, the hardstand storage that The Boatworks has provided over the years is no longer an option, so we had to find a new home. Time will tell.

Thankyou to my readers, especially for your positive comments and contact regarding my blog. I’m glad you enjoy my tales. They are fun to put together and certainly a great way to record our travels. Till next year!
So glad to have shared some moments of discovery, fun and wonder together. There is always more to experience and photograph, so until next year maybe, if our travels bring us back to Queensland. Enjoy the change of pace!
Yes it’s certainly a change of pace back home. Lots of unpacking now. We did enjoy our week with you & hopefully we’ll share more outer reef trips next season. Good luck with the trip south.
What a wonderful season. Ava was very impressed with your turtle photos. Thanks again for having us onboard for an unforgettable trip.
Thanks Kaycee. Your week with Ava on board will always be a special memory!
Look forward to staying in touch during the “off” season. Travel safely.
All the best for your summer on the water. We will stay in touch.
What a great wrap up blog. Your squid are admired by all our Lordsville visitors. They are very jealous of our life style. Heres to good health and next years adventures.
Thanks Jo. Glad your guests are enjoying my squid. Yes it’s all about good health as we get older, so let’s hope we can continue this great lifestyle and share more adventures at sea.